Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

Being technologically illiterate is a something that no one in this day and time should be, especially teacher. In The world today everyone is expected to know something about technology. Even though they might not they are effected by it. Teachers are the front line of education, and if they do not have the necessary weapons to start the war then everyone will fall behind. I agree with Mr. Fisch’s blog totally. It is hard to believe that if a teacher that is technologically illiterate is equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago not knowing how to read or write.


  1. When you do your blog post you have to submit all blog assignments for that week in one blog post. Check out my blog you will see how mine is set up You make valid points. I would like if you elaborated a bit more.

  2. I think their is two main problem with a lot of veteran teachers; the first problem educators have is little time or exposure to technology and the second is budget. Combining these issues with the facts that "every teacher has taught this way for this long and they teach just fine," makes it hard to change their minds.

    While this may be true in a way, the point is today's generation are not the baby boomers and beyond. Today's children grew up with cell phones, dvd's, television, xbox, wifi, internet, playstation, facebook, myspace, etc. often as a second parent/babysitter or way for them to stay in tune with the other children. If a child's mind is like a sponge and technology is instant/flexible then we have to incorporate some of the things they use to make them, today, tomorrow.

    Every future teacher should be tech savvy....the rest will follow when they see the uses or retire soon enough that their veteran abilities will carry them through until they go out to pasture. Grants right now are huge for technology especially in under-privileged/under-funded schools. The budget/grants could include time off with subs/workshops on technology use. Really this is the way for us to be the newest and brightest teacher on the block and have a leg up as a novice.
