Sunday, February 7, 2010

Practical Principals 23 – #EduconEnvy, Ten Things, and the iPad

This particular podcast was done by two administrators from two different schools. They are not in the same area, so they use the podcast to communicate between each other as well as administer their views on particular topics. I like the fact that they can be in two different places, because it reduces restrictions on time while increasing productivity.
The things that I learned with this podcast was that its always important to have a back up when it comes to working with technology. When Miller's microphone continuously goes in and out becomes a detraction. When doing a podcast or anything dealing with technology it is important to have a back up even if you are presenting live.


  1. I like your comment about the podcasts. I agree with you completely. I think that using things like podcasts and newer forms of technology will be an easier, faster way of communicating.

    I also think it is smart that you mentioned the fact that you always need a back up plan. That is something that I did not necessarily think about or write about in my blog. It is definitely something that all people need to be preapred for though.

  2. No matter how prepared you are things can always go crazy and leave you frazzled; how you handle issues tests and builds your character.

    Often as teachers you are thrown to the wind with a co-worker being absent, the power goes out, a child being sick, administration duties, and before you know are way off track.
    I like your idea of a backup plan like Skype, voicethread, shared mail, googlewave, or a different project entirely. With technology I think the best thing you can do is move slowly, because you are able to do so much in such a short amount of time and can therefor incorporate a little into the classroom to enhance what you are doing.

    The main thing is that although life is serious, technology mishaps or power failure issues are not. don't get stressed out, do what you can and try to make it better for next time you do by having a backup plan.

  3. I agree with having a backup instrument. With most of this type of technology you really never know if it is going to work properly or not. I believe having backups should be part of the preparation before beginning the project.
